Aa Akaushi cows are a Japanese breed, originating from Kumamoto, Japan in the 1940’s. Until 1994, this rare breed of cows did not exist outside of Japan, but then thrived in Texas. Akaushi Beef offers consumers many health benefits that other breeds cannot, including:
- A buttery, rich taste. Take one bite of Akaushi beef and you can taste the ‘quality’ difference right away. Juicy, flavorful and rich, Akaushi beef has undertones of a buttery flavor you just can’t get elsewhere.
- A healthier alternative to other cow breeds. Enjoy an Akaushi steak, and you’ll notice the difference in your health. Akashi beef contains a higher amount of monounsaturated fats (otherwise known as “good fat”), which works to prevent high blood pressure and heart disease. Studies shown that a diet rich in monounsaturated fats can help with weight loss as well (because it’s higher than any other type of protein, you’ll stay fuller – and satisfied! – for a longer period of time!)
- Enhanced flavor and tenderness. Akaushi beef contains a higher amount of marbling throughout, which leads to a tender, juicy cut. Studies has shown this leads to reducing cholesterol levels and a depth of flavor.